Kamis, 18 Maret 2010


Well I just finish reading my whole blog, I just realize how stupid I am this past couple of month, why I said that? Because :

1. I choose suryo instead of pepe (the biggest mistake ever)
2. I've been played with that bastard and I still stuck with him(totaly stupid)

Now I just realize that suryo is a jackass, basterd, jerk and he didn't deserve to be love, especially by me. Thingking of him is only wasting my time . After I read all my blogs and think about all what he have done, I feel, in indonesia called "ilfil" I just question my self what in the world was I thinking back than. Why I leave someone so perfect like pepe for a bastard like suryo

Thank you God you showed me how bastard suryo is, and make me realize how pathetic I am this couple of month.

And one other thing that I've realize, I'm just to good for him hahaha

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